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INFORMATION NOTE: Aid for companies and/or entities that host students for non-work-related professional internships | GM INTEGRA RRHH

On September 19, 2024, the DOGC published the call for aid for companies and/or entities that host students for non-work professional internships, which have started the internship from January 1, 2024 and finished no later than August 31, 2024.

The purpose of this aid is to compensate the expenses incurred by the company and/or entity for hosting students for non-work professional internships.


The purpose of this call is to compensate the expenses incurred by the company and/or entity for hosting students to carry out non-work professional internships.

Only one application per company/entity will be allowed with a single annex with the data of the students hosted on internships. For companies/entities with more than one work centre, it is necessary to request, by email to qbid.soc@gencat.cat, the registration of the designated person in order to generate this single annex with the information of all the students from the different work centres.

In the subject of this email message, you must specify: “QBID-annex registration”, and indicate in the body of the message the name, surname, company, ID, and email address. The SOC technical staff will give access to that person from the company and/or entity so that they can generate the annex.


These grants are intended for companies and/or entities with fewer than 250 employees, which host students to carry out non-work professional internships linked to a professional certificate, between January 1, 2024 and August 31, 2024, of the following programs:
Offer training in priority areas (training actions identified with the FOAP code)
Forma e Insertar (training actions identified with the ATCC1 and ATCC2 codes)
Training in own Innovation and Occupational Training centers (training actions identified with the CIFOCS_ED codes)
Agreement with the IMET for the development of the training project in aeronautical mechanics (training actions identified with the CVNIN code). Due to the specific conditions of the agreement that regulates these actions, the beneficiaries of the grants will have to comply with the conditions of attendance at the training actions in force in the aforementioned agreement.
Agreement with the Department of Education (training activities identified with the code FPOIES)
Collaboration agreement with the Barcelona City Council, through Barcelona Activa (training activities identified with the code SOCBASA)
Agreement between the SOC, UPC FORMACIÓN Y MOVILIDADES S.A. (training activities identified with the code CONV_SOC_UPC)


The applicant companies and/or entities must meet the following requirements

Be up to date with the payment of tax obligations to public administrations and obligations to the General Treasury of Social Security in accordance with the provisions of article 13 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, general subsidies.

Submit a declaration on whether other public or private aid has been requested and/or obtained for the same activity. It is necessary to include the detailed relationship with granting companies and/or entities and the amount requested and/or obtained, in order to report on the concurrence of aid for the same activity.

Comply with the regulations on intellectual property, in the event of carrying out the activity subject to aid or scholarships using any element likely to generate copyright.

In the case of natural persons who are business owners, be registered in the Census of the tax on economic activities in the cases in which it is mandatory.

In the case of non-profit entities, they must be legally constituted and registered in the corresponding registry.

Comply with the legal quota for reserved jobs in the company and/or entity’s workforce provided for in article 42.1 of the consolidated text of the General Law on People with Disabilities and Their Social Inclusion, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2013, of November 29, or with the alternative measures of an exceptional nature provided for in Royal Decree 364/2005, of April 8, and Decree 86/2015, of June 2, on the application of the 2% reserve quota in favor of people with disabilities in companies with 50 or more employees and the alternative measures of an exceptional nature to comply with it.

Comply with the obligation to indicate, in agreement with the social agents, the means they use to prevent and detect cases of sexual harassment and harassment based on sex and to intervene in the workplace, and must have protocols for addressing and preventing sexual harassment and harassment based on sex, in accordance with article 29 of Law 5/2008, of April 24, on the right of women to eradicate gender-based violence, for beneficiary entities that are companies and/or entities with 25 or more workers, and also in accordance with what is indicated in article 48 of Organic Law 3/2007, of March 22, for the effective equality of women and men, which refers to specific measures to prevent sexual harassment and harassment based on sex at work.

Comply with the requirements established in articles 32.1, 32.3 and 36.4 of Law 1/1998, of January 7, on language policy.

In the case of associations and foundations already established subject to the provisions of the Civil Code of Catalonia, they must have adapted their status and be registered before 31 December 2012, in accordance with the first transitional provision of Law 4/2008, of 24 April, of the third book of the Civil Code of Catalonia, relating to legal persons, amended by Law 5/2011, of 19 July, and have drawn up the annual accounts and made them accessible to the public in accordance with article 322.15 of Law 4/2008, of 24 April, of the third book of the Civil Code.

In the case of foundations, in addition to the previous point, they must comply with the duty to submit the annual accounts to the protectorate, in accordance with article 336.3 of the third book of the Civil Code of Catalonia, approved by Law 4/2008, of 24 April.

Not having been sanctioned with the accessory sanction of loss or exclusion from access to aid, bonuses and benefits derived from the application of employment or vocational training programs for employment provided for in articles 46 and 46 bis of Royal Legislative Decree 5/2000, of August 4, approving the revised text of the Law on infractions and sanctions in the social order, provided that the sanction is firm and in force.

Not having been sanctioned with the accessory sanction of prohibition of receiving public aid or subsidies for the commission of serious or very serious infractions provided for in article 45 of Law 19/2020, of December 30, on equal treatment and non-discrimination, provided that the sanction is firm and in force.

Not having been sanctioned, in a final resolution, for the commission of a serious infringement in matters of labour integration of disabled people or a very serious infringement in matters of labour relations or in matters of safety and health at work, in accordance with the Revised Text of the Law on infringements and sanctions in the social order, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 5/2000, of 4 August.

In the case of public administrations, have the agreement of the Plenary, or certification of the agreement of the body that is competent for the approval of the project and the application for aid or scholarships.

In the case of public administrations, have the certificate from the secretary and/or the person in charge of the local administration stating the budgetary provision for the financing of the part of the action financed directly by the applicant, indicating the corresponding budget items.

In the case of public administrations, have the municipal agreement or agreements by which the creation of the entity is decided and the statutes or other founding documents, and their modifications.

If it is a group of people without legal personality, each of the members of the group must meet the requirements as a beneficiary required by the corresponding regulatory bases.

In the event that the beneficiary entity includes several member entities for which it requests aid or scholarships, it must declare that the member entities integrated into the entity that they represent that receive a part of the aid or scholarships are up to date with their obligations for the repayment of the aid or scholarships.

Have the technical and economic capacity to carry out the subsidisable actions.

Comply with the obligation established in article 11 of Law 17/2015, of July 21, on effective equality between women and men, of not having been sanctioned with serious or very serious sanctions or condemned for having exercised or tolerated labor practices considered discriminatory on the basis of sex or gender, sanctioned by a final administrative resolution or condemned by a final court ruling, provided that the sanction is in force.

Have a system of organization and management of prevention, in accordance with Law 31/1995, on the prevention of occupational risks; Royal Decree 39/1997, of January 1, approving the Regulation of prevention services.

Comply with the obligation to respect equal treatment and opportunities in the workplace and, to this end, adopt measures aimed at avoiding any kind of labor discrimination between women and men. In the case of companies and/or entities included in sections 2, 3 and 4 of article 45 of Organic Law 3/2007, of March 22, for the effective equality of women and men, modified by Royal Decree Law 6/2019, of March 1, on urgent measures to guarantee equal treatment and opportunities between women and men in work and employment, they must prepare and implement an Equality Plan on a mandatory basis. Likewise, in terms of equal pay, they must comply with the obligations established in Royal Decree 902/2020, of October 13. In the case of local entities, as established in article 15 of Law 17/2015, of July 21, on effective equality between women and men, those that have specific bodies representing the staff at their service must approve an equality plan for men and women.

Comply with the obligation to respect equal treatment and non-discrimination of people, in accordance with the provisions of Law 19/2020, of December 30, on equal treatment and non-discrimination, and to this end adopt measures aimed at avoiding any type of action or behavior that may violate the dignity of people and the free development and free expression, without any type of discrimination, of the same personality and personal capacities.

Respect the right to accessibility for people with disabilities in accordance with Law 13/2014, of October 30, on accessibility.

Respect current regulations on sustainable development.

Have a negative certificate from the Central Registry of Sexual Offenders, which certifies that the people who work for the beneficiary company or entity, who in the exercise of their functions have regular contact with minors, have not been convicted in a final judgment for any crime against freedom and sexual indemnity, as established in article 13.5 of Organic Law 1/1996, of January 15, on the legal protection of minors.

Respect the current regulations on transparency.

Comply with the obligations determined by base 16 of this Order. ac) Adhere to the ethical code that appears as annex 2 of this Order. ad) Use inclusive language that is not sexist or androcentric in all written and graphic documentation that is generated, using the necessary alternatives.


The amount for this type of aid will be 3 euros per student and hour of internship completed.

The maximum amount that can be granted to a requesting company or entity is a maximum amount of €3,000, which corresponds to the limit of 2% of the total budget called for in the corresponding Resolution.


The application period will remain open from September 20 to October 21, 2024.


Non-work professional internships linked to a professional certificate between January 1, 2024 and August 31, 2024 will be eligible for these grants.


Resolution EMT/3324/2024, of September 5, which opens the call for the year 2024 for aid for companies and/or entities that host students to carry out non-work professional internships (SOC- AYUDAS EMPRESAS)

Order EMT/229/2023, of October 17, which regulates the system of aid and scholarships for unemployed workers who participate in vocational training actions and the aid for companies and/or entities that host students for non-work professional internships (SOC-BECAS)

You can contact us:

By email: comunicación@gmintegrarrhh.com

Call us at: 93 872 69 44

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