93 872 69 44

91 278 31 94


Sexual Harassment Protocol | GM Integra HR

With the publication of Organic Law 10/2002, it will be important for companies to take into account: “that companies must establish specific procedures for the prevention of sexual and gender-based harassment and that provide a channel for complaints or claims that may be made by those who have been victims of such conduct.”

At GM Integra RRHH we recommend in all cases the preparation of a SPECIFIC PROTOCOL FOR SEXUAL AND SEX-BASED HARASSMENT in the workplace.

We can help you prepare it, in all cases, for large and small companies, with or without legal representation. Ask us!

This new Law also encourages companies to promote “that TRAINING ACTIONS be carried out in companies on EQUALITY AWARENESS to prevent inappropriate conduct or behavior.”

For more information on our online course for employees on equality awareness.

Remember that this new Organic Law applies to all companies regardless of the number of employees.

For more information, contact us.

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