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Model 190 | GM Integra RRHH

Form 190 – GM Integra RRHH

January 10, 2021.

The cycle of the HR department and the labor area:

December ends: regularize IRPF, exhaust training credits, calculate and pay the extra pay…

January arrives: update contribution bases, review and update salaries, send Form 145, submit Form 190…

Among others.

At GM Integra RRHH we want to give you a hand and we have prepared some basic notes to help you understand the reason for Form 190, including the information you must have available for its management and how you should present it.

What is Form 190?

Form 190 must be submitted by companies and self-employed persons and presents the information related to the withholdings made for personal income tax.

It is the annual summary of Form 111: it is submitted once a year and is informative (it does not entail payment).

Its submission period runs from January 1 to January 31, 2022 (reporting on data for the year 2021).

Its submission method is electronic, so we will have to submit it through the AEAT electronic office.

Data to be included:

The entrepreneur or self-employed person will include the following income in the model:

  • Income from work (withholdings made on payrolls)
  • Income from economic activities (professional, agricultural, livestock, forestry or any other type of activity that is taxed by objective estimation)
  • Other amounts from donations, pension plans, prizes, intellectual and industrial property, exploitation of image rights, etc.

Model 190 must match the amounts of the models 111 presented throughout 2021.

We must report in Model 190 the withholdings made on expense invoices (for services provided by third parties) for professional services.

Other withholdings will also be reported, such as those relating to workers (payrolls), benefits, pensions and other concepts.

The earnings of each recipient will be detailed in Form 190, separately (and with identification of each one) by type and subtype of key, including their taxable bases and differentiating between cash or in-kind earnings, as the case may be.

The available information on the recipient’s family situation (provided in Form 145) will be incorporated, as well as their degree of disability (if any).

In addition, information regarding the type of contract or relationship, the type of calculation similar to the recipient for each of their children and the recipient’s communication of reductions for loans for their habitual residence, as well as whether the income has been obtained in Ceuta or Melilla, will be added.

Why do we submit Form 190?

The data provided in Form 190 must match the data provided in Form 111 submitted previously during the previous year.

In addition, the data in Form 190 will be used to feed the Certificate of Withholdings that we will have to send to each recipient so that they can correctly complete their Income Tax return.

With the annual informative returns, a summary of the business’s economic activity is provided to the Treasury. This type of return is intended to identify possible inconsistencies or frauds carried out throughout the year.

What happens if I do not submit my Form 190 on time?

The penalty will be €20 for each piece of data or set of data that refers to the same person or entity, with a minimum of €300 and a maximum of €20,000.


For more information contact

93 872 69 44

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