September 17, 2021.
Magda Bargalló
The 6 differences between Salary Register and Salary Audit.
Often, and as both tools are in full development, the Salary Register is mixed up and confused with the Salary Audit. Although both have been regulated to detect salary inequality in companies, there are notable differences that are always important to take into account.
Detecting the differences between these tools allows us to understand the object of study, processes and scope of each one and implement them correctly and efficiently in the company.
1st Obligation
The Salary Register is mandatory for all companies, regardless of the size of the workforce and the existence of an equality plan.
On the contrary, companies that draw up an equality plan must include a Remuneration Audit in it (art. 46.2.e) LOI), after the negotiation required by said equality plans, that is, the audit is only mandatory for companies with more than 50 employees and must form part of the equality plan.
2nd Purpose
The purpose of the Salary Register is to ensure transparency in the configuration of earnings, in a faithful and up-to-date manner, and to guarantee adequate access to the remuneration information of companies, regardless of their size, through the documented preparation of averaged and broken down data. The workforce will have access to the information through the RLT.
However, the purpose of the Remuneration Audit is to check whether the remuneration system complies with the principle of equal remuneration, as well as to allow the definition of an action plan for the correction of possible inequalities, with the determination of objectives, specific actions, a schedule and the person or persons responsible for its implementation and monitoring.
3rd Validity
The Salary Register is valid for one calendar year, and its modification is necessary in the event of a substantial alteration of any of the elements that comprise it. While the Remuneration Audit will be valid for the duration of the equality plan of which it is a part (maximum 4 years), unless a shorter period is determined in the same plan.
4th Registry
The results of the Salary Audit are an integral part of the minimum content of the equality plan that must be registered in a public registry (REGCON), allowing public access to its content. This does not imply that the individual salaries of the staff must be published, something that could compromise the retention of talent in companies in sectors with highly demanded profiles and with less permanence.
Once the Salary Registry has been prepared, the company must not register it or register it with the labor authority, the registry must be delivered to the RLT.
5th Formality
Prior to the preparation of the Salary Registry, the company must inform and consult the legal representation of the workers (RLT), and once prepared, they will have access to its full content. On the other hand, the Salary Audit, as part of the Equality Plan, will be consulted, worked on and negotiated with the Equality Commission.
6. Content
The Salary Register must include the average values of the salaries, salary supplements and extra-salary benefits of its staff, broken down by sex and distributed by professional groups, professional categories or equal or equal value jobs (or any other applicable classification system).
In order to carry out the Salary Audit, it will be mandatory to carry out a Job Valuation, with the aim of evaluating the remuneration system, as well as the internal promotion mechanisms.
The job valuation must be carried out taking into account the functions and tasks related to each job. Likewise, it must be appropriate to the type of company, its sector of activity and other relevant characteristics, regardless of the type of contract under which the workers carry out their activity. Once the job valuation has been carried out, we must also link the result of this valuation with the economic data of the salary register.
We can conclude that, although both tools have been regulated to detect pay inequality in companies, each of them is given an individual nature, and it is essential to delve deeper into it to correctly comply with legal obligations.
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