In a constantly evolving world, gender equality and inclusion have become fundamental pillars of society and, therefore, of the work environment. At GM Integra RRHH, we recognize the importance of remembering both the new obligations and the existing responsibilities that companies must comply with in terms of equality, depending on the number of workers they employ.
For companies with less than 50 workers
– Salary Record (RD 902/2020): it is essential to keep a transparent salary record that reflects pay equity within the company.
– Equality Training and Awareness (LO 10/2022): train employees and raise awareness about gender equality and diversity.
– Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment Protocol (LO 3/2007): establish clear protocols to prevent and address any form of harassment in the workplace.
For companies with 50 or more employees
– Salary Register (RD 902/2020): maintain a transparent salary register and comply with current regulations.
– Equality Plan (RD 901/2020): develop a comprehensive plan that includes Job Evaluation and Salary Audit to ensure equity in the company.
– Equality Training and Awareness (LO 10/2022): continue to provide training and awareness on gender equality and diversity in the workplace.
– Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment Protocol(LO 3/2007): maintain updated protocols to address harassment and discrimination.
– Mandatory and Anonymous Reporting Channel(Law 2/2023): implement an effective and secure system so that employees can report any form of discrimination or harassment.
– LGTBI Equality Plan (Law 4/2023, pending regulatory development): prepare to comply with this new obligation, which seeks to guarantee equality and respect for LGTBI people in the work environment.
– LGTBI Harassment Protocol (Law 4/2023, pending regulatory development): be aware of regulatory developments and prepare to implement specific protocols against LGTBI harassment.
💡 It is important to note that as of March 2, 2024, companies with more than 50 employees must have an LGTBI Equality Plan and an LGTBI Harassment Protocol. These measures, still in the process of regulatory development, will require collective bargaining and agreement with the legal representation of the workers.
At GM Integra RRHH, we are committed to supporting your company in complying with these equality obligations. If you need guidance or advice, do not hesitate to contact us. Let’s work together for a fair, inclusive and respectful work environment for all.